Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Camp Champ Radio Spot: Incoming Freshmen- Come One, Come All!

Are you an intelligent student looking for an excellent education?

Everyone's taking the bold, fierce path to Champlain College, and so should you.

Big schools have big classes, and the professors don't even know your name! What do they do for you?

If you come here, you'll be the next Einstein.

If you did well in high school, you're sure to get a merit scholarship here!

Come for free t-shirts, bags, and hats!

You'll never miss your mom's cooking or the feeling of a hometown again, since we're one big family.

You'll never feel uncomfortable, either! We welcome all cultures and diverse groups of students from all over the world!

A small campus equals a close campus. You deserve to join our community.

Ivy League schools are so old and outdated; come here to discover the real you, the fun you, the Champlain you!

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