Sunday, September 19, 2010

Castaways and Cutouts, Fill it Up- Come Join the Youth and Beauty Brigade! (Media Blog Post #1)

Greetings. My name is Lauren Weiler and I am from Downingtown, Pennsylvania.

My favorite media experience of the summer was definitely attending an awesome concert featuring Silversun Pickups and Metric. I attended the concert right on the waterfront in Philadelphia, and I was able to nearly touch all of the performers. I wish I could have known ahead of time that I was going to get knocked to the ground while in a giant mosh pit, but hey- it was nonetheless a great experience.

Here is a photo I took of Emily Haines from Metric.

Technology is an interesting phenomenon; it definitely has it's ups and downs. I really like that I can easily keep in touch with friends and family that are physically distant from me. While at college, I can easily see my mom via skype, or I can talk to my friends with facebook chat. However, I really dislike how social networks are beginning to cheapen the value of face-to-face relationships. No one even feels like they need to talk in person anymore because it is so easy to contact others through other means. I also believe that penmanship is becoming a lost art; everyone would rather text or email rather than write actual letters. As a future writer, this deeply saddens me.

In my future, I really hope to write a book of short stories or write a screenplay and have it filmed. I would love to collaborate with film directors and producers at some point, so I really have high hopes that I can achieve this.

Anyways, in the interest of media, here is a video of the band Peter, Bjorn, and John at the Xponential Music Festival a year ago. I was right in the front row of this concert when I attended, and in the middle of the concert, Peter asks a girl to whistle the lyrics. That girl was my brother's girlfriend, and I was right next to her! I thought it was neat.

Next weekend I will be attending the Burlington Book Festival, so that will definitely be a fun event to attend.

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